District of West Vancouver
The District of West Vancouver has released a report outlining their response to Provincial Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act that requires municipalities to allow for Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) on all single family and duplex zoned lots by June 30, 2024.
West Vancouver has taken the approach that the vast majority of their lots are not subject to the legislation since “the definition of “Restricted Zone”….does not encompass parcels that permit single-family dwelling, secondary suites and detached secondary suites (coach house). Consequently, the District’s RS1-5 and RS7-10 zones are not “Restricted Zones” and not subject to SSMUH requirements.”
The report goes on to outline that there are only 222 parcels affected by the proposed zoning
amendments, constituting 1.6% of residential lots in West Vancouver and resulting in a theoretical net increase of 363 units in zoned capacity.
Below is a map, outline in orange, those single family lots which are within 400 metres of frequent bus service and therefore will require update to allow up to 6-units.
It is expected that the zoning bylaws will be updated by the June 30, 2024 deadline.