Burnaby Unveils Vision for Lougheed Town Centre

The draft concept plan for Burnaby’s Lougheed Town Centre will be going to City Council for their endorsement. Over the past year, City staff have developed preliminary concepts for the redevelopment of the Lougheed Mall site, owned by Shape properties, as well as the surrounding area. This master planning process follows along the lines of the Brentwood Town Centre area planning that also included Shape’s Brentwood Mall property. The arrival of the Evergreen Line next year provided the impetus for a new high density transit-oriented development in this location.
The Lougheed Town Centre Core Area is defined as the 72 acres bordered by North Road to the east, Lougheed Highway to the South, Bartlett Court to the West and Cameron Street to the North.
The Plan is quite ambitious as it seeks to to create a vibrant new retail strip on Austin Road with 7-storey podiums; a new North-South grand promenade with 6-storey podiums and highrise residential towers; a revitalized North Road with higher densities; a new East-West connector called “Cross Creek”; transitional areas for both Cameron Street and Bartlett Court.
Relevant development and potential zoning details include:
- Overall residential density of 5.0 FAR for all development sites (excluding Cameron St. which is 3.6 FAR)
- Total eventual density of 12.2 Million SF
- Residential towers up to 60-storeys in height
- Potential for 6.0 FAR density for commercial space (or 14.9 Million SF)
- Five new major public open spaces including a 1.6 acre park
- CAC’s including cash contributions and replacement of Cameron Rec Centre and Cameron Library
- New internal road, bike path and pedestrian network
This project is exciting.
I would often wonder why Brentwood and Metrotown went surging ahead,
while Lougheed Town Centre seemed destined to remain much the way it
has been for several decades.
This new project will put Lougheed Town Centre back on the map,
particularly considering the centre’s key junction location on Skytrain,
and the proximity of major highways.
I hope that employers and companies choose to locate here.
Then the area will remain vital and alive – and become more
vital and alive than it is.
I am trying to see a drawing as to what the actual shopping mall will be like.
Will it look similar to local malls as lougheed mall, metrotown, etc. or just outside strip malls?
Thank you