508 Helmcken Street Tower Redesigned

508 Helmcken_2As we reported back in February, Brenhill Development is planning a 36-storey mixed use building at the corner of Richards and Helmcken with 344 market residential strata units (including 5, 2-level townhouses at grade), 110 market rental units and a private school.

In response to comments from the Urban Design Panel, the tower has been redesigned to lower the density slightly from 17.40 FSR to 17.10 FSR, and to reduce the floorplate from 10,300 SF to 10,130 SF. The site is a 15,000 SF site which is being expanded to 21,000 SF through the acquisition of lanes to the west and north.

The project consists of a proposed land swap with a site owned by Brenhill across the street at 1077/1099 Richards Street; the existing tenants at 508 Helmcken will be relocated to a new City-owned building on that site which will be constructed in advance of the new Helmcken residential tower in order to provide continuity of service.