Rental Tower Proposed for West End Church Site
The Central Presbyterian Church in partnership with Bosa Properties has applied to rezone 1155 Thurlow Street from RM-5B to CD-1 to allow development of a 22-storey mixed-use building including market and non-market rental housing, retail space, a church and a preschool. The proposal, which precedes the recently adopted West End Community Plan includes:
- proposed density of 9.45 FSR
- proposed floor area of 163,365 SF
- the proposed height of 206.3 ft
- 168 market rental housing units
- 45 non-market rental housing units; and
- 133 parking stalls
The application was made under the Policy on Consideration of Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalisations Agreement During Community Planning Processes and the Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability.
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