Condo Building Proposed for Little Mountain Area
While much of the buzz in the media has been focused on Holborn’s 15-acre site which is slated for approx. 1,400 units, the Little Mountain ‘Adjacent Area’ is quietly plodding along with redevelopment.
The latest application is for a two lot, 7,971 SF site assembly at 106-116 East 35th Avenue, adjacent Mosaic’s James Walk project, which quickly sold out earlier in 2015. The proposal, by Forrester Development Corporation, is for a 5-storey building that includes:
- 18 units
- a building height of 56 ft.
- a density of 2.3 FSR
- 21 underground parking spaces and 23 bicycle spaces.
The application is being considered under the Little Mountain Adjacent Area Rezoning Policy. The architect for the proposal is Ankenman Marchand.