25-Unit Cohousing Project Proposed for Little Mountain Area

Little Mountain Cohousing has submitted a rezoning application for a 3-lot land assembly in the Little Mountain Area of Vancouver. The plan calls for a rezone of 4983-5007 Quebec Street from RS-1 (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 to allow a 6-storey residential building that includes:
- 25 residential units;
- 3 one-bedrooms, 9 two-bedrooms & 13 3-bedrooms;
- a building height of 65 ft.;
- a total density of 2.3 FSR (max in the area plan); and
- 19 parking spaces and 35 bicycle spaces.
The application is being considered under the Little Mountain Adjacent Area Rezoning Policy, which was adopted in 2013 and covers the area between the Little Mountain site and Main Street/West 33rd Avenue.
The architect for the project is Cornerstone Architecture.