Two Tower Project Slated for Burquitlam Area

Marcon and Kevington Building Corp. have jointly filed an application to consolidate and rezone a group of lots located at 559, 567, 571, 577 and 581 Clarke Road from CS-l Service Commercial and CS-2 Limited Commercial to C-7 Transit Village Commercial to allow a new highrise condo and rental residential development. The combined site is 76,922 SF in size.
The proposal is being made under the policies in the Burquitlam Neighbourhood Plan and envisions development of transit-oriented and supportive residential density in close proximity to the Burquitlam Evergreen Line Station, which is across the street.
The development proposal includes:
- a 49-storey condo tower with 364 units
- a 15-storey rental tower with 101 units
- commercial retail units fronting Clarke Road
- total combined density of 5.43 FSR
- underground parking accessed from the lane
- 620 total parking spaces
- a $576,914 CAC + $6.9 Million in contributions to public amenities
The site will be resubdivided into two fee simple parcels; one for the market tower and the other for the rental building. The application also involves transferring the density from 559 Clarke Road to the market tower portion of the project. Formerly the location of the Burquitlam Animal Hospital, Marcon has acquired this site to help facilitate a full two-way intersection at Clarke Road and the narrow street that runs behind the development. This will increase the extent of full two-way traffic through the narrow street This street will be fully constructed and complete when the adjoining parcel at 565 Clarke Road redevelops.
The architect for the project is GBL Architects.