Oxford Planning New Office Building on West Georgia Site

Oxford Properties has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to build a brand new infill office building on an underutilized portion of a 59,000 SF lot and existing 22-storey office building property they own at 401 West Georgia (built in 1987) , which runs along Homer Street all the way to Dunsmuir Street on the North, where the new building will be located.
The plan is to build a new 9-storey office building on the North part of the property facing Dunsmuir Street. Details include:
- retail and office use on the ground floor and office use on the 2nd-9th floors;
- 4,654 SF of new retail space
- 147,000 SF of new office space
- Office floorplates of 14,000 – 19,000 SF
- 6,600 SF of amenity space, 2,300 SF conference centre & 4,300 SF fitness facility
- a building height of 139.4 feet
- two levels of underground parking accessed from the lane; and
- retention of the existing commercial building on the south portion of the site.
The project is being proposed under the existing DD zoning and so only requires a development permit as opposed to rezoning.
The architect for the project is B + H Architects Inc.
Looks like just another cold glass building. When will Vancouver think about “greening” up the buildings on the outside?