Mini-Storage Facility Planned for East Van Site

Krahn Engineering Ltd. has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to develop a 39,1855 triangular shaped site at 2741 Skeena Street in East Vancouver. The site is directly West of the Grandview Walmart parking lot.
The proposal is for a new 5-storey self storage facility, consisting of:
- Mini-Storage Warehouse uses on the second through fifth storeys;
- a parkade on the first storey;
- a total density of 3.0 FSR (117,555 sq. ft.);
- 27 parking stalls;
- peak height of 100.00 ft.
Under the site’s existing I-2 zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.
The full development application can be viewed here: