Market Spotlight: Burnaby Rezoning Applications

A number of rezoning applications head to Burnaby City Council next week. Below is a brief summary of some of the larger projects planned:
4716-4780 Hastings Street
This 1.22 acre site is controlled by Adera Development and is a collection of seven individual parcels including the Destination Honda dealership. The site totals 459 feet of frontage and is located in the Hastings Street Area Plan Extension, which allows a total density of up to 2.40 FAR. The proposed plan is a new 4-storey project with retail, office and 59 residential units.
2751 Production Way
This 223,495 SF site is located at the southwest corner of Production Way and Broadway, next to the Metro Vancouver Operations Centre and is currently improved with a vacant industrial building. The site is located in the Lake City Business Centre Plan area and is seeking rezoning for a new multi-tenant light manufacturing/ warehouse/ office development with a total height of 4-storeys and density of 1.0 FAR.
4828 Lougheed Highway and 4829 Dawson Street (Concord Brentwood Phase 2)
This rezoning application is for the second phase of Concord Pacific’s ‘Concord Brentwood’ project. The 2nd phase is within the Flatlands Precinct of the master plan for the overall site. This phase will include two high-rise residential towers, a midrise tower and townhouses with a commercial and amenity podium. Access to the below and above ground parking will be from Dawson Street.
4500-4554 Dawson Street and 2223-2375 Alpha Avenue
This is a 9.3 acre site (totaling 7 parcels) in Brentwood Town Centre that we reported as sold to Aoyuan Group back in June for $152 Million. The site is large enough to require a master plan and phasing which is the subject of this rezoning application. The master plan will include multiple residential towers, as well as commercial space and new north-south pedestrian linkage through the site. Most of the site will require above-ground parking due to soil conditions. Aoyuan’s website indicates that the plan includes “1,400 condominiums, 50 townhomes and a mix of commercial and retail units”.
4455 Alaska Street
This site is also located in the Brentwood Town Centre area and is slated for a tower. The 35,951 SF site is located at the corner of Alaska Street and Willingdon Avenue and is designated under the RM-4s high density residential guidelines which allow up to a density of 3.60 FAR. The developer for the proposed project is Amacon.