38 Rental Units Proposed for Commercial & Adanac Site

A rezoning application has been submitted for a 10,704 corner site in the Grandview Woodland area of East Vancouver. The site is currently zoned RM-4N and is located at the Southwest corner of Commercial Drive and Adanac Street. The site sits directly West of the long anticipated Kettle Society/Boffo redevelopment.
The rezoning proposal is to permit the development of a 6-storey passive house mixed-use building. The proposal includes:
- 38 market rental units;
- 3 studios, 7 one-bedrooms, 14 two-bedrooms & 6 three-bedrooms;
- 4,053 SF of retail on the ground floor facing Commercial Drive;
- a density of 3.0 FSR;
- a height of 73.7 ft.;
- 23 underground parking spaces; and
- 56 bicycle stalls.
This application is being considered under the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
The architect for the project is Cornerstone Architecture.