59 Townhouse Units Proposed for Cambie Phase 3 Site
Intergulf has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to develop a 7-lot land assembly at 528-592 West 28th Avenue, just West of Cambie Street at the corner of Ash Street. The 48,781 SF site is located in the Cambie Corridor Phase 3 townhouse subarea that was rezoned by the City in 2018.
The plan for the project includes:
- 59 condo units located in 8 stacked townhouse buildings;
- 22 one-bedrooms, 22 two-bedrooms & 15 three-bedrooms;
- a total density of 1.18 FSR;
- a total building height of approximately 37.68 ft; and
- one level of underground parking (70 stalls) having vehicular access ramp from rear lane.
Under the site’s existing RM-8A zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.
The architect for the project is Gateway Architecture.
Intergulf assembled the site in 2017-2018 for a total of $33,113,800, or $563 per buildable SF based on the application.
The full development application can be viewed here: https://development.vancouver.ca/pc528-592w28th/index.htm