197 Units Proposed for Burquitlam Site

Allaire Living and Headwater Projects has submitted an OCP Amendment and Rezoning Application for a new multi-family residential project at the southwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Guilby Street in the Burqultlam-Loughheed Neighbourhood Plan area, approximately 750 metres from the Lougheed Town Centre SkyTrain Station.

Plans for the land assembly of 10 single family lots totaling 2.1 acres includes four new multifamily buildings up to 7-storeys in height with two townhouse buildings, and the retention of 3 heritage houses. Details include:

  • 197 units;
  • 110 one-bedrooms, 42 two-bedrooms & 40 three-bedrooms;
  • Retention of 3 heritage single family homes;
  • a total density of 1.82 FAR;
  • 233 parking spaces.

The OCP amendment is required to change the land use designation of the western portion of the site from Townhousing to Medium Density Apartment Residential . This change to the land use designation would allow apartment buildings on this portion of the site, to accommodate additional density to offset costs associated with the restoration and retention of three heritage homes.

The architect for the project is Integra Architecture.