Intracorp has submitted a revised rezoning application to the City of Burnaby to add more height and units to an already appproved project called “Telford on the Walk” at 6537 & 6521 Telford Avenue.
In January 2021, the subject site received final adoption for a rezoning application for a 37 storey condo building and a 6-storey market and affordable rental building based on RM5s and RM5r guidelines.
The revised application seeks the following changes:
- addition of 4 typical floors;
- removal of one penthouse level floor, a reduction from seven penthouse levels to six;
- increase in overall density from 6.33 FAR to 6.83 FAR;
- total of 366 condos, 59 affordable rental units & 7 market rental units;
- net addition of 34 condo units;
- increased building height from 380 ft. to 411 ft.;
- conversion of 3 market rental units to affordable rental;
- reduction in two parking stalls and additional of one accessible stall.

The architect for the project is NSDA Architects.