Rezoning Plan Unveiled for Granville Loops
A rezoning application has been submitted for the ‘Granville Loops’ lands that will be comprised of four development parcels following the removal of the circular ramps (the Loops) connecting Pacific St to the Granville Bridge. The removal of the Loops was approved by the City in 2017.
The ramps will be replaced with extensions of Continental and Rolston streets south to Pacific St and a new level connection of Neon St to Granville St with a signalized intersection. Four new development parcels will be created in the area bounded by Pacific St, Neon St and the Howe and Seymour ramps (which will be retained). The rezoning would allow for development on those four parcels once the new streets are constructed.
The Granville Loops Policy Plan anticpated the development of the sites to provide for the following public benefits:
- the replacement of non-market housing units – 50,000 sq. ft. (demolished Continental Hotel) as self contained units
- the costs and delivery of the removal of the two on/off ramps and the reconfiguration of the new roads, Neon Street, Continental Street and Rolston Street.
This rezoning proposes the following additional public benefits:
- increase the non-market building from 50,000 sq. ft. to 161,600 sq. ft. with a variety of unit mix within sub-area C
- a 37 space child daycare within sub-area C
- mix of market rental residential approx. 126,000 sq. ft. with the balance as strata residential with sub-area B
- the cost and delivery of replacing a portion of the Granville Street bridge (between Pacific Street and Drake Street)
- wider road layouts along Rolston and Pacific to accommodate bike lanes
- new building setbacks along Continental and Rolston Street for ground oriented residential
- expanded public realm as public open spaces at the south end of sub-areas A and D.

The proposal includes four sub-areas:
Sub-area A (between Continental St and the Howe On-Ramp)
- 40-storey condo tower (395 feet)
- Total floor area of 263,328 sq. ft.
Sub-area B (between Continental St and Granville St)
- Residential building at 27 storeys adjacent Pacific St and 12 storeys adjacent Neon St with a 70-foot podium and street-level commercial-retail
- Building height of 250 feet as measured from the Granville Bridge deck or 275 feet as measured from Pacific St
- Total floor area of 219,131 sq. ft. comprising 126,524 sq. ft. of secured market rental housing with the balance of floor space as strata residential and commercial-retail
Sub-area C (between Rolston St and Granville St)
- Residential building at 27 storeys adjacent Pacific St and 12 storeys adjacent Neon St with a 70-foot podium containing street-level commercial-retail and a 37-space childcare facility
- Building height of 250 feet as measured from the Granville Bridge deck or 275 feet as measured from Pacific St
- Total floor area of 174,892 sq. ft. comprising 161,649 sq. ft. of social housing (50,000 sq. ft. of which is replacement of SRO housing that was in the Old Continental Residence), 13,243 sq. ft. of commercial-retail and a 5,000 sq. ft. City childcare facility
Sub-area D (between Rolston St and the Seymour Off-Ramp)
- 40-storey condo tower (395 feet)
- Total floor area of 262,822 sq. ft.

The application is being considered under the Granville Loops Policy Plan.
The table below compares the proposal, submitted in January 2021, with the floor area, building heights and public benefits indicated in the Granville Loops Policy Plan which was approved in 2010.