City of Coquitlam Outlines OCP Review Process

City of Coquitlam council has released a report outlining the timing, process and scope of their OCP update.

As with other municipalities, work was already underway on an OCP review as of 2023 before the Provincial legislation changes. Now, the in-progress OCP review has been tweaked to accommodate the new legislation.

Coquitlam’s last full OCP was completed in 2002 and has been updated incrementally through various neighbourhood plans.

The staff presentation identifies potential land use designations:

Planning staff is now proposing an overhaul of the OCP, streamlining it by consolidating all neighbourhood plans into a single consolidated OCP, with all maps in dedicated schedules.

The report outlines the OCP update project as follows:

The OCP Review project is scheduled for completion in fall 2025, well ahead of the December 31, 2025 deadline for the provincial housing legislation OCP updates. The three high-level phases of the project are:

  1. Prepare (completed): review and analyze existing content to inform and
    support the overall project;
  2. Update (Summer 2024-Spring 2025): draft the necessary changes and
    prepare new draft document; and
  3. Adopt (Summer-Fall 2025): bring a draft of the updated OCP forward for
    consideration and adoption.

The report outlining the OCP review can be viewed here: