A development application has been submitted for the Bethleham Lutheran Church site at the corner of East 15th and Sophia in Mount Plesant.
The 28,000 SF site is zoned RM-4.
The application seeks a 3-storey residential building clustered around a shared courtyard, containing:
- 51 units;
- a mix of garden flat studios, and 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units;
- a total density of 1.43 FSR;
- a building height of approximately 38 ft.; and
- 36 underground parking spaces, having access from the lane.

The application describes the design rationale: “The massing is primarily conceived as a series of smaller blocks that interface with 15th Avenue and Sophia Street and Tea Swamp Park, while also serving to activate the lane. A U-Shaped massing, the building responds to its corner condition, facing both 15th Avenue and Sophia Street, while also acknowledging its lane-side.“
Under the site’s existing RM-4 zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.
The architect for the project is Marianne Amodio + Harley Grusko Architects Inc.