Here’s a quick rundown on rezoning applications that go before Vancouver City Council next week. Most of these applications were introduced last year and are seeking council approval to move forward to the final stage at public hearing:
1. 5030-5080 Quebec Street
This rezoning by Boffo Homes for 5-storey, 38-unit building in the Little Mountain neighbourhood is seeking to move to public hearing. The site is currently an assembly of single family homes that was re-designated in the Little Mountain Adjacent Area Rezoning Policy.
2. 2095 West 43rd Avenue
This rezoning application was first introduced in early 2014 as a larger 56-unit 6-storey rental building, but was scaled back later in the year. The proposal now calls for a 4-storey building with 17-market condos and retail at grade to 2.30 FSR. The next step will be public hearing.
3. 408-488 West King Edward Avenue
This project, referred to as The Gardens at Villa Royale, was proposed last year and is now looking to proceed to public hearing. This is a 6-storey seniors development comprised of 32 community care beds and 103 assisted living units. 47 of these units will be strata titled with the balance being rental. The 57,537 SF site falls within the Cambie Corridor Plan and has a density of 2.27 FSR. The project is being built by Care Pacific.
4. 1090 West Pender Street
A higher-profile project looking to proceed to public hearing is Bentall Kennedy‘s proposed new 31-storey, 562,135 SF office tower at West Pender and Thurlow. The density is 17.5 FSR. The site currently has a 12-storey office building that will be demolished. No word yet on any pre-leasing activity on the project.
5. 1600 West 6th Avenue
This application was originally made in February 2014 and calls for a 99-unit, 12-storey rental apartment building and a total density of 4.37 FSR under the City’s Rental 100 program. The site is currently home to an older 3-storey office building. The property is owned by Austeville Properties.
6. 450 Gore Avenue
This proposal for a 6-storey mixed use building on the downtown Eastside for GMC properties was introduced last year. It includes a density increase from 0.6 to 4.5 FSR and 61 rental units, of which 10 are “micro-suites”. The rezoning is under the guidelines in the Downtown Eastside Plan.
7. Marine Gardens
Perhaps the most contentious of the proposals going before council this meeting is Marine Gardens, a 100,000 SF townhouse complex that is slated for development by Concord Pacific for 582 units (including 70 rental replacement units). The project will be two towers of 27 and 31-storeys and will include a daycare. Total density is 4.21 FSR.