Aria Pacific has submitted a rezoning application for a two-lot land assembly at 4261 Cambie St and 503 West 27th Avenue in Vancouver. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey condo building that includes:
Pennyfarthing Homes has submitted a rezoning application for a 4-lot land assembly at 5079-5161 Ash Street, one block West from Cambie Street at the proposed extension of West 35th Avenue. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey condo building that includes:
73 vehicle parking spaces and 135 bicycle parking spaces.
The proposed project requires a future extension of West 35th Avenue which would allow access into the Heather Lands Development to the West of the site.
Onni has applied to rezone the final phase of their 21 acre Evelyn project in West Vancouver. ‘Lot 8’ totals 3 acres of vacant land at Taylor Way and Evelyn Drive.
Most of the overall project has now been completed. The remaining six single family dwellings on Lot 10 and the four townhouses on Lot 6 (attached to Lot 7) are now under construction.
Lot 8 is the largest development parcel at Evelyn. The proposed rezoning for the site contemplates a terraced building similar to the ‘Forest Edge’ buildings in Lots 5 & 7.
The proposal seeks to add 109 additional rental units to the site. The current zoning for Lot 8 allows for a residential apartment building containing up to 119 units, of which a minimum of 30 of those must be for rental housing. The proposal is to increase the number of secured rental units from 30 to 139 (17 affordable units plus 122 market rental). There is no increase to the number of condo units (stays at 89). The total proposed number of units for Lot 8 would increase 119 to 228 and the overall unit count at Evelyn by Onni would increase from 350 to 459.
Details for the Lot 8 rezoning include:
228 total units
89 condos (including 10 townhouses)
122 market rental units
17 below-market rental units
a total density of 1.85 FSR;
building heights from 5 to 8-storeys with site slope;
public realm additions including a pedestrian path at the south end of the site to complete the east-west connection to Taylor Way, and new landscaping
indoor and outdoor resident amenity areas
294 underground parking spaces.
There is no CAC applicable given the addition of rental and below market rental units.