The City of New Westminster has now designated their five Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs), defined as all parcels within 800 metres of a Skytrain station that permit any residential uses currently.
From the staff report: “Rezoning will continue to be required for all development proposing increases to permitted density within TOD Areas, including for development with heights and densities outlined in the MD Framework. The TOD Area regulations do not change the existing rezoning process (e.g. application fees, submission requirements, staff review) or the ability to establish certain conditions of rezoning approval (e.g. tenant protections, off-site servicing requirements, etc.).
- Applications that meet but do not exceed the provincially mandated height and
density would be supported when there is also alignment with other City policy,
including that such applications must be 100% secured rental.
- All applications will continue to be reviewed using the Interim Development
Application Review Framework endorsed by Council January 29, 2024.
- Applications that exceed the provincially mandated height and density may also
be considered, where appropriate.”
TOA Maps with Tiers
The pdf version of the above maps can be viewed here: