The District of North Vancouver is currently working on updating their zoning bylaws in response to the Province’s housing legislation regarding Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs) and Small-Scale Multi-Unit
Housing (SSMUH).
TOAs in the District of North Vancouver
There are two TOAs in the District: Phibbs Bus Exchange (the Phibbs TOA) and Capilano University Bus Exchange (the Cap U TOA) (see maps below).
The District estimates that the TOAs will see 1,800 units developed over the next 10 years, and that the overall theoretical maximum build out would see approximately 5,500 additional new units above the existing OCP.
SSMUH in the District
Bill 44 requires the District to approve a zoning bylaw that complies with SSMUH requirements by June 30, 2024, by allowing small-scale, multi-unit housing in zones that would otherwise be restricted to single-family dwellings or duplexes.
The SSMUH legislation requires that all residential zones permit a minimum of 3, 4 or 6 units depending on their size and proximity to frequent bus service.
Many of the lots in the District are located in creek, slope and wildfire hazard development permit areas and are therefore exempt.
Here’s the breakdown on lots under SSMUH:
- There are 19,961 single family zoned lots in the District
- 8,583 lots are exempted under DPAs and will remain single family zoned
- 8,494 lots are deemed to be “challenging” for servicing
- 2,884 lots are deemed feasible for servicing
- 1,295 lots are permitted 6-units (located within 400m of frequent bus service)

Full PDF versions of the SSMUH maps can be viewed here:
Further information can be viewed here: