A second rezoning application has been submitted for a small corner site at Cambie and West 32nd in Vancouver that had been previously approved for a 15-unit condo project in 2017. The rezoning was never enacted and the project never went into pre-sales.
The new proposal seeks to switch the project from condo to rental, keeping the same 6-storey building form and density.
The rental proposal includes:
- 34 market rental units (from 15 condos);
- a density of 2.46 FSR (unchanged);
- Building height of 71 ft.;
- 29 vehicle parking spaces and 64 bicycle parking spaces.

There is no change in the density, height, or form of development from the prior approved application. This new application will be subject to all current policies, guidelines, bulletins, and development permit requirements. A virtual Q&A will not be held for this application, however questions can be emailed to staff at any time.
The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.