Portliving has submitted their development application for their fourth ‘Midtown’ project, tentatively titled ‘Midtown Four’. The site is 16,104 SF in size and is zoned C-2C.
The proposed development consists of a 6 storey strata residential building with 2 levels of below grade parking, bike storage, as well as a large amenity space. There are two retained heritage buildings, the Carolina on the northeast corner in its existing location, and the Connacher House on Carolina Street next to the lane. The Connacher House is proposed to be moved from its present location along E Broadway. The project is being developed under a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA).
The overall development includes:
- 65 condo units;
- 42 studios, 9 one-bedrooms & 14 two-bedrooms;
- A total density of 3.35 FSR;
- 6,198 SF of retail space;
- A proposed building height of 69.33 ft.; and
- Two levels of below grade parking providing eighty-three (83) parking spaces, having vehicular access from the lane

The application describes the design rationale: “Our goal was ultimately to position the heritage assets comfortably along Carolina Street with the new modern building setting back respectively while comfortably integrated. The bulk of the new building is felt along E Broadway, a major artery. The lower mass generally adheres to the C2C Broadway street wall, as outlined in the Mount Pleasant Community Plan. The higher mass of two interlocking forms is setback more from the lane, in two steps, to minimize and incrementally climb to the sixth floor. This mitigates apparent mass and reduces overlook. Along E Broadway the upper mass also takes a substantial setback from the fourth floor to the sixth, thus minimizing the shadow on E Broadway and mitigating the apparent mass. These additional setbacks are to transition the higher building on all three sides, East, South and North, into the existing context. Insert massing diagrams.”
Under the site’s existing C-2C zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.
The architect for the project is studio B architects.
The site was acquired in early 2018 for $15,500,000, or $287 per buildable SF based on the application.