Cadillac Fairview has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to replace the existing rotunda at Pacific Centre with a new three-storey retail building consisting of:
- 31,603 sq. ft. of new retail space; and
- a peak height of 63 ft.
Under the site’s existing CD-1 (455) zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.

The application describes the design rationale:
“Cadillac Fairview has embarked on multi-phase refresh and updating of the Pacific Centre Mall complex, creating a world class high-end retail centre in the heart of Vancouver. With the introduction of Holt Renfrew a number of years ago and its current expansion, the recently retrofitted Sears building into a new Nordstrom’s and now the reimagining of the Rotunda pavilion at Georgia and Howe. In keeping with the recent developments throughout the Pacific Centre complex, the new Georgia street retail pavilion comprises a similar family of strong timeless design moves. The new Pacific Centre, Georgia street pavilion will feature a strong and expressive roof line, a clear reading of the buildings massing elements and a restrained palate of high quality materials.
The building form consists of glazed retail frontages along Georgia and Howe Streets, Six retail ‘Lanterns’ at the second floor along Georgia Street connect the upper retail to the street and an outdoor restaurant deck at the third floor with a large cantilevered timber canopy overlooking Georgia street and a redeveloped VAG north plaza. The very visible roof-scape will use the strong geometric grid of raised planters and skylights which reflect the geometry of the building façades.
The presence of the six retail ‘Lanterns’ is intended to make more legible, to the surrounding urban environment, the social and transactional nature of the new pavilion’s intended use. Key to this design is the use of high quality cladding materials, dark stone, timber soffits, glass retail fronts and vertical screening.”
Perkins + Will Architects Canada are the architect for the project.