Amacon has submitted a rezoning application to the City of Burnaby for 46,640 SF site at 2211-2271 Rosser Avenue in the Brentwood Town Centre area.
The application proposed a highrise development as well as a density transfer from a nearby site at 5166 Halifax Street.
The Rosser site is currently improved with older industrial units and a residential sales centre. Under the Brentwood Town Centre Development Plan, the site is designated for medium to high-density mixed-use development utilizing the RM4, RM4s, RM4r, and C9 Districts as guidelines.
The proposal for the Rosser site includes:
- a 61-storey highrise;
- 541 residential units, including:
- 442 condos
- 27 market rentals;
- 72 non-market rentals;
- 172 hotel rooms in 11-storey podium;
- a total density of 11.45 FAR;
- 614 underground parking spaces.

Regarding the density transfer, the City notes: “A density transfer will facilitate the replacement of ageing rental units at the Halifax Site, as well as provide additional non-market and market rental units, while maintaining a scale of development that is in keeping with the intent of the Plan and adjacent developments. As outlined in that report, the construction of both sites will be phased, with the subject site (Rosser Site) proceeding to occupancy prior to the redevelopment of the Halifax Site. This would provide the opportunity for residents of the Halifax site to relocate to the Rosser Site on an interim basis, until the Halifax Site attains occupancy and their replacement rental units can be occupied.”