Lougheed Town Centre has long been one of the quietest of Burnaby’s four town centres. Not in terms of traffic, of course. The intersection of Lougheed Highway and North Road has always been busy. But while Metrotown has boomed, and the neighbourhoods of Brentwood and Edmonds have seen a flurry of new development over the years, the Lougheed area has been comparatively stagnant.

Since opening in 1969, the mall has evolved over the years. It doubled in size in 1986, and underwent significant renovations about a decade ago. But now big plans are in the works. The area is poised for a massive makeover.
Shape Properties Corporation owns the mall property, and recently purchased four more properties in the town centre.
To prepare the ground for redevelopment, the city is embarking on a planning process for the entire 61-acre “Lougheed Core Area” that includes the wedge from Cameron Street in the north all the way down to the Lougheed-North Road intersection.
And like the plans for Brentwood Town Centre, which Shape also owns, the city and the company hope to gradually transform the site from suburban, car-oriented shopping centre to urban, transit and pedestrian-oriented town centre.
Read more: http://www.burnabynewsleader.com/news/254758551.html