A development application has been submitted to the City of Vancouver for a new market rental building on a site at 731-743 East Broadway, located mid-block between Fraser Street and Prince Albert Street, on the north side of Broadway. The site is 12,093 (122′ x 99′) and is zoned C2-C.
The proposal anticipates rehabilitation and heritage designation of the existing building at 741 East Broadway, owned and occupied by Raymar Realty. Also planned is a new 5- storey mixed-use building to the West. Overall, the proposal includes:
- 45 market rental units;
- 29 studios, 3 one-bedrooms, 12 two-bedrooms and 1 three-bedroom;
- 3,198 SF of retail space;
- 1,695 SF of restaurant space;
- a total density of 3.00 FSR;
- a maximum building height of approximately 63.42 ft; and
- 1 level of underground parking with 20 stalls accessed from the rear lane.

The application describes the design rationale: “The first step in generating the design was establishing the basic relationships on the site. The primary criteria was that the existing Heritage asset at #741-745 E Broadway be retained as completely as possible. All major “character defining” elements would need to be retained & restored, and in some cases reconstructed. The goal in developing the massing of the new portion of the development was to create a complementary, non-competing contemporary structure which would emphasize the prominence of the Heritage asset on the streetwall. Thus. the new development is set back from the face of the Heritage structure – a ~9’ indent in the street wall creates a “forecourt” in front of the new development, and allows us to retain the three-dimensional reading of the Heritage building when viewed from E Broadway.”
Under the site’s existing C-2C zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted; however, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.
The architect for the project is Gair Williamson Architects.