A development application has been made for an RM-4 zoned site at the corner of Victoria Drive and Frances Street in the Grandview-Woodlands area. This site are was not identified for increased density in the any version of the Grandview Woodlands Community Plan. The project calls for the following:
- one three-storey and one four-storey multiple dwelling building containing a total of 15 apartment units
- a total density of 1.43 FSR or 17,006 SF (RM-4 allows 1.45 FSR)
- a total of 17 underground parking spaces
Further, the City is requesting that the site dedicate about 7’ of land along Victoria Drive for possible future reconfiguration of the street to provide dedicated bike lanes. It is noted that further assembly was not feasible.
More info can be found here: http://former.vancouver.ca/devapps/pc649victoria/index.htm